Homeowner budget visibility in cost plus projects

Cost plus builders have multiple options when it comes to sharing budgets with their clients through the Ressio homeowner portal. 




By default, after estimate lock, a basic budget summary is available to homeowners with the following financial numbers:

  • Original price: the baseline price from contractual agreement (set on estimate lock)
  • (+) Approved changes: price change from approved selections or change orders
  • (=) Approved price: updated price after approved changes


If desired, increased budget visibility can be turned on for homeowners. The additional financial visibility includes 2 options:

  • Budget projections: include pending changes, actual adjustments, and projected in the budget summary
    • (+) Pending changes: price changes that are pending homeowner approval
    • (+) Actual adjustments: price adjustments from actual bills and expenses
    • (=) Projected price: real-time projected price for the homeowner with approved, pending, and actual changes
  • Budget table: include the budget table with all the project costs by cost code or cost item




If you still have unanswered questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at support@ressiosoftware.com. We're here to help!