Creating invoices

Ressio lets you easily create new invoices by either leveraging the financial data that already exists in your project estimate/budget, or by letting you create a new invoice manually.


Invoicing from budget actuals

For projects with cost-plus or open book financial structures, you can invoice from your budget actuals allowing you to invoice from your actual costs incurred on the job.

Note: this invoicing option only exists for cost-plus / open book jobs


To create an invoice from budget actuals

  1. Click New invoice from the Budget page or the Invoices page
  2. Edit any of the cost item invoice details in the the edit pop-up (amount, markup, tax, etc) and click Save
  3. Edit any of the invoice document fields either directly on the invoice document or using the document editor on the right-side of the screen
  4. Click Save and then click Release


Invoicing on completion percentage

If you invoice on a percentage complete basis from your original estimate, use the invoice by percentage option when creating an invoice. To create an invoice based on percentage completion: 

  1. Click New invoice from the Budget page or the Invoices page and select By percentage
  2. Edit any of the cost item invoice details in the the edit pop-up (% complete by item, etc) and click Save
  3. Edit any of the invoice document fields either directly on the invoice document or using the document editor on the right-side of the screen
  4. Click Save and the click Release


Crating manual invoices

If you need to ever create a quick, manual invoice, click New invoice from the Budget page or the Invoices page and select By amount. Fill in the desired information you wish to communicate with your client. 



If you still have unanswered questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at We're here to help!