Creating selections with choice groups by a space (or room)

In this example we will create an example appliance selection that has 3 choice groups organized by the space:

  • Kitchen - a "single choice" selection to get client approval on the appliance package picked out in a showroom
  • Butlers pantry - a "select all" selection to have the client confirm all the appliance selections that will be used in the butlers pantry
  • Outdoor Kitchen - an "optional" choice to include an outdoor kitchen. Note that cost of the outdoor kitchen will include a breakdown of material costs and labor costs

Table of contents

  1. Starting the selection
  2. Adding the "Kitchen" choice group & selection choices
  3. Adding the "Butlers pantry" choice group & selection choices
  4. Adding the "Outdoor kitchen" choice group & selection choices


1. Starting a selection

To start a selection, navigate to the "Estimate" page and click the "New selection" icon next to to any cost item that you want to turn into a selections item.

Selections - by room example - Step 2


The selections editor will load in the right-hand side drawer. To start building the selection enter or modify the requested data (allowance, description, instructions, & due date), and select a selection type. Descriptions of the different selection types can be found on-screen in the selection editor.

Note: Selection type can be edited later if needed.

Selections - by room example - Step 4


When ready to continue building out the choices & choice groups of the selection, click "Create selection"

Selections - by room example - Step 5


2. Adding the "Kitchen" choice group & selection choices

In the selection editor, change the name of the first choice group to reflect the name of the space. In this case, we will label it "Kitchen".  Click the "more" icon in the top right-hand corner of the choice group and select "Edit Group".

Selections - by room example - Step 10


Change the name in the "Name" field, select the appropriate choice detail. and click "Update group".

Note: In the Kitchen group, a "single choice only" selection will work because we are wanting client approval on the a single item - the appliance package picked out in a showroom (loaded in as a single choice with a file attachment).

Selections - by room example - Step 13


To add the selection choice to the "Kitchen" choice group, click the "+ Add a choice" button.

Selections - by room example - Step 14


Add the choice name, a brief description, & cost detail before clicking "Create choice".

Selections - by room example - Step 34


Add any attachments (images or files) to the the selection choice by clicking on the "Add file" button.

Selections - by room example - Step 35


3. Adding the "Butlers pantry" choice group & selection choices

Create a 2nd choice group by clicking the "Add another choice group" button. You can create as many choice groups as desired. 

Selections - by room example - Step 36


Change the name in the "Name" field, select the appropriate choice detail. and click "Update group".

Note: In the Butlers pantry group, an "all choices are required" selection will work because we are wanting client approval on all the choices that are listed within this group.

Selections - by room example - Step 40 (1)


To add the selection choice to the "Butlers pantry" choice group, click the "+ Add a choice" button.

Selections - by room example - Step 41 (1)


Add the choice name, a brief description, & cost detail before clicking "Create choice".

Selections - by room example - Step 50


Repeat the steps to add additional selection choices to the "Butlers pantry" choice group by click "+ Add another choice".

Selections - by room example - Step 51


Add any attachments (images or files) to any of the selection choices by clicking on the "Add file" button.

Selections - by room example - Step 92 (2)



Adding the "Outdoor kitchen" choice group & selection choices

Create a 3rd choice group by clicking the "Add another choice group" button.

Selections - by room example - Step 63


Change the name in the "Name" field, select the appropriate choice detail. and click "Update group".

Note: In the Outdoor kitchen group, an "all choices are optional" selection will work because the outdoor kitchen is an optional upgrade for the client.

Selections - by room example - Step 67 (1)


To add the selection choice to the "Outdoor kitchen" choice group, click the "+ Add a choice" button.

Selections - by room example - Step 71


Add the choice name, a brief description, & cost detail before clicking "Create choice".

Note: in this choice, we want to capture the cost of both the materials of the outdoor kitchen and the labor it will cost to install. We can do this by adding additional cost detail (reviewed in the next step)

How to Edit and Add Cost Details for a Project Estimate - Step 6


Add additional cost detail to capture the labor cost associated with the outdoor kitchen selection item by clicking "+ Additional cost detail"

How to Edit and Add Cost Details for a Project Estimate - Step 6


Enter the cost details associated with the "labor" cost item and click "Create choice" once complete. 

How to Edit and Add Cost Details for a Project Estimate - Step 18 (2)


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