Using the Time Clock

Learn how to log your time by clocking in/out, or manually recording shifts.

🕘 Ressio provides an easy way to log your time worked, either by clocking in/out on the job site, or by recording entire shifts at your convenience.🕔

Table of Contents

  1. Finding the time clock
  2. Clocking In/Out
  3. Recording Shifts
  4. Editing and Deleting Shifts

Finding the Time Clock

The Time Clock can be used on the website, as well as on mobile.

Web Browser Mobile / Tablet
Time Clock web1 Time Clock

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Clocking In/Out

We recommend using the MOBILE app if you are required to clock in when arriving on-site, and to clock out when leaving.

Select the green Clock In button and complete the form.

Select Clock In at the bottom.

Clock In Form:

Project (required): Select the project you are working on from the dropdown menu.

Cost Code: Costs codes are important for accounting purposes. We recommend picking which code you think is most relevant to your job that day. It can be edited before payroll.

Description: Describe what you are working on or note shift irregularities.

Enable Location: If enabled, Time Clock can geolocate you when clocking in and clocking out ONLY.  ⚠️ It does not track you during your shift. ⚠️

Optional Clock In field:

Shift Type: If this field is enabled, choose your shift type. Options typically include Standard, Overtime, PTO.

Clock out in the same way

Select Clock Out → Submit and Finish

✏️ Switching Projects or Cost codes? Clock Out and back in again.

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Recording shifts

Time clock also allows you to manually record time. This action can be done at any time, usually at the end of your shift or the week.

From computer

Select Record shift and fill out the form.

Select Submit and finish at the bottom.

From mobile

Select Record shift and fill out the form.

Select Submit and finish at the bottom.

Record shift form:

Project (required): Select the project you are working on from the dropdown menu.

Cost Code: Costs codes are important for accounting purposes. We recommend picking which code you think is most relevant to your job that day. It can be edited before payroll.

Start (required): Select DAY and START TIME.

Duration (required): Select HOURS and MINUTES. Tap in MINUTES to enter custom time.

Description: Describe what you are working on or note shift irregularities.

Optional Clock In field:

Shift Type: If this field is enabled, choose your shift type. Options typically include Standard, Overtime, PTO.

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Edit and Delete Shifts

Only a Ressio "Admin" users can edit and delete time entries