The Ressio app allows builders to share project information. Learn how to manage project tasks, requests for quotes (bids), purchase orders, and other scope information in Ressio. Download the Vendor Handout below.
A builder wants to partner with you!
Partner with a builder to win more projects and help keep them organized and on track. With Ressio, you don't need to remember passwords or navigate complex workflows. Stay informed and up-to-date about your projects with ease.
🏠 Overview: Homepage │ View project details
📅 Schedule and To-dos: View task start dates/due dates │ Confirm tasks │ Send/receive messages
📄 Approvals - Bids: View quote requests and attached plans │ Submit bids │ Send/receive messages
📝 Approvals - Purchase Orders: View POs │ Accept POs │Send/receive messages
📋 Specifications (optional): View partial or full scope information such as material lists, descriptions, instructions, and client changes.
Table of contents
- Accessing the Vendor Portal
- Schedule tasks
- To-do tasks
- Bids
- Purchase Orders
- Specifications
- Vendor Handout
- Vendor Handout (En Español)
Accessing the Vendor Portal
There are two ways to login to the Ressio platform:
- Navigate to
- Click a respective link shared in an email
Direct links: Email links will automatically log you in and take you to the relevant page. No need to navigate around.
Logging In
You can always log in to the Ressio app any time using your email address.
Two-factor Authentication: No need for a password. You will receive a code to enter.
TIP: Consider bookmarking the Ressio website, or adding the app on your phone
Link in email
Whenever an activity requires your attention, you will receive an EMAIL from your builder with a link to open the app on your phone or computer.
SPAM: If this is your first time being sent an email from Ressio, it may end up in your SPAM folder. If you report NOT SPAM, or add and to your whitelist, it shouldn't happen again.
Project information is neatly organized into tabs across the top: Overview │Schedule │ Approvals │To-dos
Select ⇆ Projects or the Ressio icon to view any other projects you've been given access to.
The Overview page displays general project information, including the address and client name.
TIP: Select Location to open a map and get directions.🗺️
Schedule tasks
Select Schedule to view schedule tasks assigned to you.
Open the task to Confirm or Decline the request, send a message to your builder, or view files.
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Pro-tip: Use Messages to update the builder on your progress. Share a photo of your completed work in Files.
To-do tasks
To-do tasks are intended to handle all types of unplanned tasks that can randomly come up. They are generally smaller in scope as compared to schedule tasks.
⏰Pay attention to the PRIORITY. To-dos can have greater urgency than schedule tasks⏰
Select a To-do from a list to view and update it.
After completing a To-do, change the Status to Complete and Save changes.
Pro-tip: Use Messages to update the builder on your progress. Share a photo of your completed work in Files.
Ressio keeps quotes organized for builders and makes it easy for you to view plans, submit quotes, and hammer out the details.🔨
Bid requests will often be the first Ressio email you receive from a builder.
Bids can be found in the Approvals section.
Select the bid to access all the information you need to submit a quote, including attached files.
Submitting a bid (2 ways):
Center screen: Fill out Unit cost and Quantity. Select Save. Then Submit.
- Right screen: Attach the quote in the bottom Message field. Then Send
📨The builder may respond via email with questions or to notify you they've accepted your bid. Simply click the email link to reply!📨
Purchase Orders
Purchase Orders aid financial planning, mitigate mistakes, and facilitate quicker payments.
Ressio allows you to view, approve, and print/save Purchase Orders for your records.
Questions? Access to files and messages can be found in the upper right.
Select Accept to approve, add any additional notes for your builder, and Submit.
Your builder will receive a notification when a PO is accepted or declined. Continue to communicate using PO messages until payment is made.
Specifications (optional)
The Specifications page is for sharing project information.
📋 Specs: Client selections or materials lists
⚠️ Site protocol: Instructions or safety requirements
📄 Financials documents: Copies of quotes or invoices
If your builder has provided access, select Specifications to view what information has been shared.
Select Expand on the right to view the spec's description and shared files.
To add files or communicate, select Message or File icons
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Messages can be sent between you and your builder.
Files and Links can be uploaded in the Files tab.
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