The 3rd level in the Ressio estimate

The 3rd level of the Ressio estimate is the lowest / smallest tier of the estimate hierarchy. It's often where the lowest level of individual prices and costs live.  These prices / costs roll up to a total cost for the cost item group, and ultimately contribute to the category total.

There are two options in Ressio on how to use this 3rd level of information:

  1. Cost details - a way to capture individual line costs for a cost item (default)
  2. Sub item - essentially a 3rd level cost item
To determine which is best for you, lets explore the two options in more depth.


Using cost details

Using the 3rd level to add cost details will allow you to break up the cost item on level 2 of the estimate into further details. If you are an "ex-CoConstruct user", this methodology should look familiar! Lets look at an example below together.


As discussed in the video above, cost details allow our "Tile" cost item to be broken down into two cost details of "Material" and "Labor", while keeping the selection decision and allowance amount at the cost item level of "Tile".

Note: It is not a requirement to turn a cost item with cost details into a selection item


Using sub items

The 3rd level of an estimate can also be used to capture additional levels of cost items (or sub items). When thinking about the estimate this way, level 2 will act as a grouping of cost items on level 3. The main difference with this approach is you can turn a 3rd level into an individual selection item. Lets take a look in the below example.


To reiterate the difference with an example, as mentioned in the video above, the cost details under "Gas Fireplace" are turned into sub items, where the sub items now have the ability to function independently as selection items (if desired).


Which method is best for me?

You might be asking yourself which way is best for me? Ask yourself this question - Do you need to turn your 3rd level into a selection?

  • If you answered "yes", sub items are for you
  • If you answered "no", the default method of cost details will work 


Related articles

The Ressio estimate - an overview

How to change from cost details to sub items (or vise versa)




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