Initial Setup: Ressio Basics

This article is geared to help you get set-up with Ressio

Table of Contents

  1. First Time Logging In
  2. Bookmarking the site and Saving the app
  3. Company Info
  4. Adding Team Members
  5. Uploading Estimate/Budget Data
  6. Adding Vendors
  7. Reaching out for Support

First Time Logging In

When you sign up, you should get an email prompting you to log-in. Click on the link to accept your invite and get started on your journey with Ressio! Once logged in, check out the Login Options to make your sign-in experience easier.

Bookmarking the site and saving the app



 Save Ressio as an app: How to Save the App

Company Info

Manage your company information by navigating to to Settings >> Company Settings >> Edit


Adding Team Members

Budget Data

Adding Vendors

Reaching out for support

If you need to get in contact with us, click on the Get support icon in the top righthand corner of the screen or email us at