Integrating Time Clock with Quickbooks Online

Discover how to integrate QuickBooks Online with Ressio to streamline your payroll process and accurately track labor expenses within your project budgets.

Connect time clock entries to your Quickbooks Online account to push time clock data and pull labor costs into your budget.

Benefits of Time Clock Integration

⏱️ Save Time: Instantly sync time data to streamline your workflow. 

✅ Enhance Accuracy: Eliminate transcription errors by automating the payroll process.

📈 Improved Budgeting: Accurately track labor costs across your projects

Table of Contents

  1. Matching Team Members to QuickBooks Employees
  2. Setting Burden Rates for Team Members
  3. Enabling Quickbooks Time Tracking
  4. Pushing Time to Quickbooks
  5. Syncing Labor Costs into the Budget
  6. Troubleshooting

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Matching Team Members to Quickbooks Employees

Before You Begin: Ensure you have connected your QuickBooks Online account to Ressio. If not, please refer to our guide on: Connecting your QuickBooks Online account to Ressio

Once you are integrated, navigate to Company Settings - Team Members.

Select +Sync from QBO to provide access to your Quickbooks Employees.

Team members 1

In the QBO Employee column, select the corresponding QuickBooks employee from the dropdown menu.

Team members 2.2

1099 Contractors: Only Quickbooks Employees can be matched. 1099 contractors are not eligible for integration.

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Setting Burden Rates for Team Members

💵Adding a rate to an employee allows Ressio to calculate labor costs.💵

  • Fixed Price projects: Oftentimes burden rates (a combination of employee pay, insurance, social security, taxes) are used.
  • Cost Plus contracts: Charge out rates are more common in open-book projects.

When a pay rate is set in QuickBooks, Ressio will automatically apply this rate to the corresponding team member. If no rate is set, one MUST be added in Ressio.

👀 Admins only: Burden rates are only visible to Admin users. 👀

To set an employee's burden rate, select the Burden Rate tab.

Burden rate1

Select Add Rate + next to an employee name to add a burden rate.

TIP: Employees can choose from multiple pay rates when they clock in. Add as many as needed and set their default rate by checking the Default checkbox on the right.

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Connecting Time Clock to Quickbooks Online

To sync labor costs into your budget, Quickbooks Time Tracking must be enabled for the project.

Note: Labor Costs entered directly into Quickbooks or from a 3rd party can be synced into your budget by activating this setting.👍

Go to Project Settings and select the Financials tab.

project details1

Scroll down and select the toggle to Enable Quickbooks Time Tracking.

Select Submit to save changes.

project details

Question: I do all my payroll in Quickbooks. When I connect, will all my previous time entries sync?

Answer: Only time entries added after enabling the toggle will be synced. Ressio will not retroactively sync previous time from Quickbooks timesheets.

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Pushing Time to Quickbooks Online

Before time entries can be pushed to QuickBooks, they must be APPROVED.

⚠️FINAL CHANCE: Once a time entry is approved it will automatically sync to Quickbooks and CANNOT be edited in Ressio. After approval, any changes must be made in Quickbooks. ⚠️

To approve time, go to Time Clock.

Time clock1.2

Select the green checkbox in the Actions column to approve the entry. 

Time clock1.1-1

Because this action cannot be undone, there is one last chance to Confirm and approve.

Time clock2

Status: The Status column indicates if a time entry has not been reviewed (Draft), or if it was pushed to Quickbooks (Approved)

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Syncing Labor Actuals into the Budget

Whether or not you've pushed time from Ressio or a 3rd party, labor costs from Quickbooks can now be synced into your budget.

Go to the Budget page in the left menu.

Select Sync Expenses as usual to pull in your actuals, now with labor cost included!


For more information about syncing actuals from Quickbooks Online, visit Syncing Budget Actuals from QBO.

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There are several connections required to make the time clock integration function correctly.

If you encounter issues with syncing or pushing time data, ensure the following settings are configured.

PROJECT ➡️ QB CUSTOMER: Verify that the project is linked to a customer in QuickBooks. Go to Project Details - Financials to confirm the connection.

TIME CLOCK ➡️ QB TIMESHEET: Ensure the QuickBooks Time Tracking toggle is enabled. Go to Project Details - Financials to confirm the toggle is active (green).

COST CODES ➡️ QB SERVICE CODES: Confirm the cost codes assigned to the time entry are connected to QB Service Codes. Go to Company Settings - Cost Codes and review the QBO column. To sync to QB, a cost code needs a corresponding QB Service code.

TEAM MEMBER ➡️ QB EMPLOYEE: Make sure each team member is associated with a QuickBooks employee. Go to Company Settings - Team Members to ensure the QBO Employee column is populated with a corresponding employee.

If these settings appear to be correct, and you are still having difficulty, please contact