Selections are often the most personalized choices & touches that a client will put into their build. The selection process within the Ressio platform is a simple & robust to ensure all types of selection decisions can be captured.
Table of contents
- Overview Video
- Starting a selection
- Creating a choice group
- Creating a selection choice
- Editing choice groups and/or selection choices
- Releasing selections for client approval
- Approving selections (alternate option)
- View an existing selection
1. Overview Video
2. Starting a selection
To start a selection, navigate to the "Estimate" page and click the "New selection" icon next to to any cost item that you want to turn into a selections item.
The selections editor will load in the right-hand side drawer. To start building the selection enter or modify the requested data (allowance, description, instructions, & due date), and select a selection type. Descriptions of the different selection types can be found on-screen in the selection editor.
Note: Selection type can be edited later if needed.
When ready to continue building out the choices & choice groups of the selection, click "Create selection"
3. Creating choice groups
Choice groups allow selection choices to be grouped according to like properties. Some examples include:
- Grouping selections by a space or room
- Grouping selections by a selection type
In order to create a choice group, click the "Add another choice group" button. in the selection editor.
Once the choice group is created, name the choice group and select the option that best represents the desired client action when selecting a choice.
4. Creating selection choices
Selection choices are the options (or choices) you want to have the client make a decision on. In order to create a selection choice within a selection group, click the "+ Add a choice" button.
Enter the choice details & cost details in the pop up window.
Note: Multiple cost details can be supported if needed. Click the "+ Add cost detail" button to add additional cost details.
Once a selection choice is created, attachments (images or files) can be added to the selection choice by clicking on the "Add file" button and browsing your computer for the desired image or attachment.
5. Editing choice groups and/or selection choices
Editing choice groups or selection choices can be done clicking on the "More" icon on the selection group level or the selection choice level depending on which item you wish to change.
6. Releasing selections for client approval
When the selection is ready to be released, click the "Release" button, followed by the "Release" button to release the selection to the client.
For more information on what happens once the selection is released to a client, check out the knowledge base document for clients - Viewing & Approving a Selection [A Homeowners View].
7. Approving selections (alternate option)
If desired, a selection can be approved without sending the selection document for client approval. Instead of clicking "Release", click "Approve" and enter any notes that go along with this approval.
Note: All approvals (whether client approved, or contractor approved are viewable by clients & contractors. The "Approve" button should only be used in the event the client has already provided their selection choice/decision on the selection(s).
8. View an existing selection
All approval documents can be viewed in the "Approvals" page. To view a list of all the selections, click on the "Selections" tab. You can now see a list of all the selections and their current status.
Note: Budget impact from selections are captured in the selection document & in the "Budget" page. More information can be found on this in the "Actual vs Revised Budget" help document.