Use Time Clock to begin your payroll process. Learn how to filter time entries, make updates, and export data for your payroll service provider.
As an admin, you may be responsible for managing payroll for your business.
๐ Review employee time entries.
๐ Fix errors and oversights.
๐พ Upload time data into a payroll service provider.
Table of Contents
For help entering time as an employee, visit Using the Time clock
For Quickbooks Online integration, visit Integrating Time Clock with Quickbooks Online
Navigation and Layout
We recommend using a computer to manage payroll, although this same functionality is available on the mobile app.
Time clock is located in the left menu bar.
Layout: The Time clock page displays time data in a spreadsheet format.
Data Fields: Time Clock fields include:
Project: Project or Customer associated with labor hours.
Location: Employee may share location on clock in/out. A dark pin indicates location was shared (click pin to open map). A gray pin indicates location was not shared.
Worker: Team member name
Date: Date AND time worked
Cost Code: Accounting code associated with labor costs for budget tracking.
Description: Employee notes on labor activities or shift irregularities.
Duration: Hours worked in decimal format (e.g. 7.75 = 7 hours, 45 minutes).
Actions: Edit or Delete
Optional Data Fields: If team member Burden Rates and/or QuickBooks Online integration have been enabled.
Status (Draft/Approved): Whether a time entry has been pushed to the budget/Quickbooks.
Actions: Approve (sends labor actuals to the budget and/or time data to QuickBooks).
Filtering time entry data
Depending on your payroll needs, you may be required to filter time clock data in different ways.
Time clock can be filtered by: Date Range โ Employee โ Project
How to Filter by Date Range
Filtering by pay period is a common filter.
Find Start Range and End Range in the upper right. Select dates by typing, or by selecting the calendar icon. ๐
How to Filter by Worker and Project
Your payroll system may require individual data imports for each employee. Alternatively, reporting on labor hours may require filtering by project.
Use the dropdown menus near the top to filter by Worker or Project.
TIP: You can select multiple workers and projects.
Modifying time entries
Time entries may need to be edited, added or deleted for accurate payroll.
Common corrections:
Clock in/out time: Incorrect times.
Cost Code: Incorrect or blank cost code.
Editing time entries
Select the Pencil Icon โ๏ธ to the right of the time entry.
Make changes, then select Submit and finish
Adding Time entries
Adding a new time entry may be required if an employee forgets to clock in, or as a way to handle overtime or vacation hours.
Select โฐ Record Shift in the top left to create an entry.
Required fields: Project, Team Member, and Start.
If Burden Rates/QB Online integration are enabled: Shift type, Cost Code.
Deleting time entries
Select the red Trash icon next to the relevant time entry
Select Confirm and delete
โ ๏ธDeleted entries CANNOT be retrieved. Proceed with caution. โ ๏ธ
Exporting time clock data
Time clock data can be exported as a .CSV file to import into your payroll software provider.
If you are using Quickbooks Online for payroll, consider integrating the Time clock to instantly push time entries.
Select Download CSV. A file shift-log will download to your device.
For information about setting team member burden rates and tracking labor actuals, visit Tracking labor actuals in the budget.